Cliff Cymrot, MLS(ASCP), MT(AAB), MT(AMT), MHA, is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences and the Program Director for GW SMHS undergraduate programs in Medical Laboratory Sciences. Cymrot began working with the Governor’s Health Sciences Academy in 2018, helping to develop the medical laboratory science (MLS) pathway when the GHSA was first being developed. Cymrot is the Academy Course Director for all MLS courses and has worked closely with Graciela Lopez Gamboa in designing and launching the following courses:

·      MLS 1101: Introduction to Laboratory Sciences I

·      MLS 1102: Introduction to Laboratory Sciences II

 Cymrot believes that “the opportunity for these students to be exposed at such a young age to the various exciting pathways such as MLS, surgical sciences, EMT, etc. is incredible. These students get to learn about amazing careers in health care and are even able to achieve certifications upon completion. These certifications allow the student to work in the real world using the knowledge gleaned from their pathway. These students are way ahead of the game.”

 When asked to share words of wisdom with students, Cymrot noted that “health care is an exciting and growing field. Whether the economy is doing great or not, regardless of any political issues going on, everyone will always need to utilize health care services. Being in a field that is dedicated solely to improving the health of others is an incredible feeling. Pursuing an interest now in one of the pathways like MLS will help you have that much more of an advantage when you continue your education.”  Cymrot looks forward to contributing to the program’s success and helping high school students achieve their goals.

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