The onboarding process for ACPS teachers includes an orientation to GW. The Instructor Handbook and Resource Guide that Academy teachers receive includes information on all relevant policies and procedures.
Annual School Year Kick-Off Retreat
All ACPS teachers teaching in the Academy are required to attend the annual kick-off workshop in August, before the school year begins. Will notify ACPS instructors, support staff, and administrators of the workshop date as soon as it is scheduled. The workshop provides an opportunity to reflect on prior year performance, discuss new policies or procedures, and includes professional development and training.
Course Design Workshop
Curriculum design workshops are held as needed in the summer. The IMPACT team at GW SMHS supports all Academy teachers and instruction.
Lunch and Learns
All ACPS teachers with GW appointments are invited to attend monthly IMPACT continuing education events. Brunch & Learn and Lunch & Learn - either in-person or remotely. The IMPACT team's Lunch & Learn sessions are short (40 minute) discussions of topics that support scholarship and teamwork. Examples of topics covered include grading and student feedback, Blackboard, technology tutorials, and connecting with students. The topics are organized according to Boyer's definition of scholarship, which includes the following categories of scholarship: discovery, integration, application, and teaching and learning.
Visit https://smhs.gwu.edu/impact/lunch-learn-series for more information, location, and archives of past Lunch & Learns. The sessions explore topics, technology, and techniques useful in Health Sciences education.
Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library
ACPS teachers with GW SMHS appointments are invited to attend ongoing library events. See the Himmelfarb Library for a current listing of events.
Annual School Year Debrief Retreat
All ACPS instructors teaching in the Academy are required to participate in an Annual Debrief Retreat at the end of the school year. GW will notify ACPS instructors with dual-enrollment appointments, support staff, and administrators about the session, where teachers will be asked to debrief on “lessons learned and best practices” i.e. what needs improvement and what worked well. Feedback from these debriefings will help shape the annual professional development and training at the annual Academy kick-off workshop.